What is this newsletter about?
Mostly the things that are important to us as we raise our children — education at home to supplement school curriculums, bilingualism, family financials, our business, and other nerdy/fun/random stuff.
How often do you publish?
We are trying for at least once a week or two, maybe more, maybe less. We’re figuring out the balance between this newsletter, our website and our clients.
Who are you?
We’re Kim and Jenn, and we’re startup leaders who left that world to become stay-at-home-moms to young children… and then we started our own thing which we are still figuring out. We’ve been in the board room and at the table across from VCs. Our expertise lies predominantly in startup finance (Kim), like fund raising and managing cash runway; and growth (Jenn), like new product GTM and performance marketing.
We’re really interested in connecting with and helping parents, particularly the ones who have elected to stay at home and prioritize time with their children. We love sharing what we’ve tried and liked, which might include things like why you should take your kids to Tokyo and best books for learning CVC words. If you know of good grammar books for ~6-year old, we love hearing about those too!
- Kim and Jenn